Am I the only one who has been struggling through these winter runs? And no, I am not talking about those “fake news” absolutely gorgeous moments, Instagram watches me run in the snow with those amazing running stories. I am talking about real life: WINTER. Dark, cold, wet.

Thank you for joining me on today’s blog. There are so many things you could be doing Netflix, Facebook, hey but you decided to take in some new content, content that will help you become a better runner.
Stronger, yes smarter maybe. Depends on whether you apply & do, practice and spend time on how having a different attitude will affect your running.
Now if you think, hey my attitude is just fine thank you mister.
I often think my attitude is just fine, but then suddenly I nearly get run over, or cut off in traffic and the next thing I get upset.
You know we all have some or other issue.
If you don’t think so, just ask someone close to you, someone who cares. Ha, and if they take a step back before answering you, you have your answer, don’t you? The reaction is determined by what’s inside. Nothing else. Have you heard the analogy of the cup spilling over? It goes like this:
I ask, “If I’m holding a cup full of coffee and someone bumps into me, what happens?”
You answer, “Coffee spills out.”
You are right.
I then ask, “Why did coffee spill out?”
You’re most likely to answer, “Because you were bumped.”
You are wrong.
The reason coffee spilled out is because coffee was in the cup.
If lemonade, tea, or any other liquid had been in that cup, that’s what would have spilled out.
The bumping is simply the catalyst to reveal what was tucked inside.
It’s a favorite teaching story. And I’ve heard it three times in the last two months. Frankly, I was getting ready to roll my eyes if I heard another preacher invoke a spilled cup.
For example, if you get bumped while holding a cup of coffee and your trousers get split. It spills coffee because obviously that’s what was inside the cup. So what we have in our brain, in our thoughts that tends to spill over. And if you are inclined to run whenever the weather is to your liking, you are going to find more and more examples to run just when you please to do so. And the reason not to be a better runner, or a regular runner is well: the weather’s fault.
If you listen to this blog regularly and are attentive you might have noticed I am a bit of a fair-weather type of runner.
If the weather is juuuuust right, juuuust the way I like it then no matter who- what- when- or how- I can tell you the run will be an excellent one. My time will be good, especially if it is a route I know well, my mood uuuh I will be in an excellent mood.
And surprise if the weather is like it has been the past few weeks, hang on make that month uuuuugh It takes me a bit more to get going.
What has the weather been like the last few weeks or months?
Glad you asked European winter, that’s how.
Usually cold, except sometimes it seems ice cold. Seems like it is always dark, and the days of it being wet be it from snow, sleet or rain, take your pick, have it all. I wanted to add some data, you know so and so many hours of sunshine per day, number of days under 0 degrees but that’s really not worth it. I mean it will drag me down. I still need to go for a run today. LOL. Fact is the weather is not how I like it.
Which doesn’t mean I haven’t been running. Actually, I run every day. And yes, if the weather is really nasty it might just be a 5K, sheltered in between buildings means running through my small town with less wind. But it’s run. Going on a long run becomes slightly more of a challenge, because taking out your handkerchief here comes a bit of a Debbie downer moment: well obviously running you sweat and no matter how much money I don’t know what it is like for you, but it doesn’t matter how much money I have spent on running gear a lot or a little till date I haven’t found a really perfect running jacket. The cold does get to me, especially the wind chill.
And now, if I would have added data about how many hours of sunlight or daylight, the number of days raining. Really you can imagine it will drain you. It will make each way to the door so much harder.
Tough weather, tough to go running. And now what? You just made yourself an even higher obstacle than earlier. You raised the bar unnecessarily. What for? IS that going to be your story? Building factual arguments as to why you couldn’t didn’t go running? As to why you are behind in reaching your goals?
What will be a better option? What thoughts should you be focusing on to overcome the cold dark winter months? Eventually, the snow will thaw, and you will regret not running. The ice will be gone, and you will be annoyed not having gone for regular runs.
But meanwhile you are fighting your own mindset. There’s the angel and devil on your shoulder, having a to and fro.
Many ways to overcome this, many suggestions if you type it into google. Just watch those recommended sites, and watch how many ads you will get for winter running gear.
After you have gone through all that advice, you might even end up getting a recommendation for a treadmill.
Which with me, immediately triggers off: oh no anything but treadmill.
But now see if you are struggling with cold and extreme running conditions the obvious choice is to either grin and bear it. Or train on a treadmill.
If it is really cold, like minus plus a subtle breeze plummeting the temperatures even further down than your smartphone is telling you Hey your biggest challenge, can be overcome:
You need to really layer up and don’t expose your skin.
If you run during the early evening or night time obviously, you need to get noticed.
But still it might be too difficult a scenario for you to overcome. Problem is that then most probably the treadmill will also be some or other issue.
Listen up as we go through a change of thought. On both topics. It’s too cold to run on the treadmill. Well, it’s plain, well horrible. It goes against the grain of what running is supposed to be about.
I need to share with you a story from 1994. Picture it, the start of the Comrades marathon. 9 times winner Bruce Fordyze, at the start. Nick Bester, former Parabat, there to challenge, and last year’s winner (who came from the middle of nowhere) all lined up.
It’s a perfect day as the runners head off through the dark Durban streets, starting their climb.
Now as a South African, it’s obvious that last year’s winner, a German runner, was just a “fluke”. I mean he won fair and square, but we (we being South Africans) know that this race actually can only be won by local runners.
Obvious. Now remember this is 1994 when you still had a Walkman, South Africa had its first multi racial elections, Tonya Harding skater, who took out her rival How’s that for a strategy?
Brazil wins the world cup. If the gloves don’t fit that white Bronco driving down the highway with what were 10 -20 police cars?
Ok, and now back to the comrades just shy of 90 kilometers, from Durban to Pietermaritzburg. And at 21KM a man with a strange surname takes the lead. Well ok Salazar is it even worth trying to pronounce his name? He is participating the first time, and Bruce will win this one just wait and see.
Now back in ’94, this day was the only day that in our household the TV was on. Actually, it’s the only day there was something being blown. See the Comrades is THE event, and coverage actually started as soon as it was daylight.
I remember this race so clearly, as the race went on, more details emerged about the runner leading the pack. Alberto Salazar.
Turns out he was a Boston winner but that was some years ago.
His 5K time of 13:11, a marathon best of 2:09. Winning the NY marathon 3 times in a row. Or the dehydrated finish line dash 1982 Boston marathon. How impressive but still he never had run such a far distance.
I never realized this, but in those days it was said that he wasn’t a naturally talented or gifted runner. If there even is such a thing.
One thing he had was tenacity. Crossing a line dehydrated or collapsing due to heat exhaustion.
He stopped running in the mid 80’s and then well First he tried to heal up from various wounds, injuries and operations he had. Ending up doing most of his training on a treadmill. Signed up and ran a spectacular comrades marathon. Winning it.
He basically came out of nowhere, rather than give up, he went for a double distance. The comrades’ marathon is about 90 KM Seriously, who does that? Who would even think of doing that? If you are injured as a pro, the way he was injured most would give up running. Or at least wait till the body fully recovers. I don’t remember what it was but some injury that really took a long time to
Actually, his career was “washed up”. His injuries, I guess his age too, and there were other runners that dominated the headlines.
Then he focused on the treadmill. Really brave. He ran even though injuries were not healed completely.
He overcame incredible hardships, and must have endured a lot of pain. Now look, I am aware of the press coverage regarding Alberto and the Oregon Project. Or some other allegations and you might say where there is smoke there is a fire.
But that’s not what I want to talk about. I want to focus on the Comrades which he absolutely crushed, and his training mindset.
Look, we all know that the sports world is crazy, and whether he did or didn’t do what is said in various press coverage I don’t know. But then there are things that I have done in my life I am not too proud of either. Starting off with me cursing the guy who nearly ran me over. LOL. What I want to say is, there is no reason to not talk about those elements that really contributed to a runner, who had never run more than 65 KM from training on a treadmill to win a 90 KM ultramarathon, and beat local legends.
And to all those readers who have done and completed the comrades, who have earnt that medal you know exactly what I am talking about.
For those that perhaps currently could not even imagine doing such a distance. Well, a runner from the USA could, and he had never run such an event, not even visited the country. Why not ponder on how you would feel if you have such a great goal, and achieve it? Hey might that not even inspire you to start running in the cold, and find solutions to those problems you currently cannot overcome?
Ok I understand you are not a pro runner. But the process is the same. As I said earlier I love running in warm weather, but I still manage to go running daily even if conditions are icy, freezing cold.
Now before you think you need to change your mindset and then start. It is actually the other way around. You need to get the ball rolling, and then when you change and are heading in the right direction, things will change.
Some of the easiest steps you can do right now are:
Sign up for a challenge.
Treat yourself.

Yup, clever isn’t it? Your 365 Day Run Streak, one whole year of running Why who or what would you want to do that? And if your first thought is “I couldn’t do that” then definitely you should get the book. The link to the video you know what.. just go to youtube, enter “heiko stribl” and concentrate or you will get sidetracked and end up somewhere you don’t want to be.
Warm up longer.
It will be harder.
Focus just on getting it done.
blog whether your goals are tangible.
Find a way, not an excuse.
Train purposefully in unpleasant conditions.
Crummy weather provides an ideal test for mental toughness.
So does running during a time of day in which you are not used to training. Vary the times you train and intentionally pick a few sessions that will alter your usual schedule to be purposefully uncomfortable.
Of course, don’t risk injury or harm to yourself in extreme conditions, but if you’re usually a lunch time runner, make it a point to wake up and run in the very early morning when you’re tired or groggy.
For morning runners, alter your schedule and run in the evening after a long day when you’re feeling fatigued. Starting at an inconvenient time when you may not feel fresh will train your mind and body to work through uncomfortable situations and help you hone both willingness and optimism.
Hey, I am running out of time, I really want to appeal to you, just pick up on one of those suggestions. That’s all. One is enough, you need to do, get that running gear on, and head out the door. And things start to change. You will see solutions where before you found obstacles, inspiration where before you were moaning and complaining.
To change the way you act, change the way you think Ephesians 4: Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.
Many thanks for joining me on today’s blog.
My name is Heiko, God Bless You and remember to take it easy.