Fourier Run || Repetitive Run

What do straight lines, and structures have in common? Well apparently, they lead to or no, correction Looking at buildings can give you a headache.

It was an article written by John Massengale and what he states is that, the monotonous lines of buildings. Like picture
Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong or Toronto: That skyline, impressive tall buildings, and perhaps it’s a nice afternoon, sunlight and the shadows. Perhaps you even wonder what all the people here actually do?
I must admit it, I like it or correction. I like visiting such cities, and perhaps running a marathon there, but I don’t need to live in a skyscraper.

Why this article caught my attention is the following. The human brain took years, centuries to evolve from processing the natural world to now process an urban jungle. And the main reason for it is the repetitive pattern.

And there is something that scientists call the Fourier component. Mathematician Jean-Baptiste Joseph Fourier showed that we can think of scenes as being made up of striped patterns, of different sizes, orientations and positions, all adde

What it says is that the sight of buildings, streets, lamp posts, they have a frequency. And in nature these stripes cancel each other out.
Buildings are repetitive, structured, and this makes them more difficult to look at. Your, my everyone’s brain needs a lot more power to process this.
And what snore is that there are actually computer models which have been built that show if your brain spends time looking at other things than nature, or anything like cities, offices, structures, it takes a lot more brain power than when looking into nature. Actually the measurement was done by calculating how much oxygen the brain uses. And again, spending time looking at lets say unnatural structures, requires more oxygen.

And now the drumroll please fact is that headaches are often associated with an increase of usage of oxygen. People who get migraines are particularly susceptible to the discomfort from repetitive patterns; these patterns increase the use of oxygen (which in those who suffer from migraines is already abnormally high.)

Now it should be obvious, shouldn’t it be that based on the Fourier theory, the evidence of the study, that outdoors have a positive effect. Being surrounded by greenery does have a serious impact on long-term health and well-being. A meta-analysis looking at dozens of studies around the health impacts of being in nature show exposure to green space carries a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death and preterm birth as well as increasing sleep duration. Green space exposure was also associated with reduced diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and stress.
A meta-analysis looking at dozens of studies around the health impacts of being in nature show exposure to green space carries a reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, premature death and preterm birth as well as increasing sleep duration. Green space exposure was also associated with reduced diastolic blood pressure, heart rate and stress.

Getting Things Done describes an incredibly practical process that can help busy people regain control of their lives. It can help you be more successful. “WARNING: Reading Getting Things Done can be hazardous to your old habits of procrastination. David Allen’s approach is refreshingly simple and intuitive.

Let me share the Top 10 Quotes from Getting Things Done
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small, manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
Sounds simple doesn’t it? Well, that’s what we talk about in coaching, especially for long distance. Seeing any distance that is longer than what you are currently running or used to run will be overwhelming. That’s why you break it into smaller tasks. But before that

You want to be adding value as you think about projects and people, not simply reminding yourself they exist
You’ve got to think about the big things while you’re doing small things so that all the small things go in the right direction
When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it “done.”
Most people feel best about their work the week before their vacation, but it’s not because of the vacation itself. What did you do last week before you left on a big trip? You clean up, close up, clarify, and renegotiate all your agreements with yourself and others. I just suggest that you do this weekly instead of yearly
You can fool everyone else, but you can’t fool your own mind
Every now and then go away and have a little relaxation. To remain constantly at work will diminish your judgment. Go some distance away, because work will be in perspective and a lack of harmony is more readily seen
Things rarely get stuck because of lack of time. They get stuck because the doing of them has not been defined
Anything that causes you to overreact or underreact can control you, and often does
Reacting is automatic, but thinking is not.

Think in such a way that it provokes the positive reaction you want.

Your 365 Day Run Streak, one whole year of running Why who or what would you want to do that?

And if your first thought is “I couldn’t do that” then definitely you should get the book.

I want to leave you today with a powerful bible verse I mentioned in the beginning, see we were not born scared. We were born to be strong and with courage Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Thank you for your time, please do share the blog, my name is HEIKO, God bless you and TAKE IT EASY


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