If you are not sure even what brain training is and how to go about it, but you have sort of been intrigued by it today’s blog will reveal some secrets to success, and we are going to be looking at some of the most successful coaches, and what they did but first the –
Heiko I don’t need to train my brain, I just want to run faster. Or Heiko, the brain is not the problem, it’s the endurance I am lacking. Yes, I have heard that before. Actually, I hear that often, and the answer still lies, well inside your brain actually.
Listen, whether you follow the Premier league, or athletics, maybe like me you tried to watch every single sport televised from Tokyo. Each and every coach or successful coach, and no matter what sports we are talking about, every coach has some basics that they incorporate in their training.
The same in your job, in your profession. You have some basics and those basics you know how to do. Drills, steps, procedures, they have been and always will be the same. Sure maybe if you get a new run coach or join a new running club, this coach might tell you to do a warm up session around the track, and the previous coach told you to just do a short sprint out and back. But it’s still a warm-up.
One of the best books on coaching and how to lead a team must be 11 rings, it’s written by Phil Jackson. Now Yes, the blog is about running, but if you have ever sat and watched a live NBA game, it’s hard not to be mesmerized by it. The speed, the skill, precision and thought behind the moves.
Phil Jackson Eleven Rings, John Wooden, another successful coach as Jackson always wanted to build a strong team, where no one is more important than someone else, and everyone works together to reach the same goal. And he believed he could
One minded orientated team. Me-orientated. Put them into a state of deep rooted real connection.
Avoid fads. Lead from who you are. “As time went by, I discovered that the more I spoke from the heart, the more players could hear me and benefit from what I gleaned.”
Turn the Mundane into the Sacred. Leaders take note. Jackson writes, “As I see it, my job as coach was to make something meaningful out of one of the most mundane activities on the planet.
In a career so focused on competition (winning and losing), he never coached his teams to try to be better than their opponent. He simply taught his teams to try to prepare themselves to the best of their ability to be the best they could be – and the result would take care of itself.
Provide direction(set goals, steps vision)
supportive positivity
Instill values(handwork)
“Peace of mind attained only through self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do the best of which you’re capable.” – John Wooden
A doer makes mistakes.
If you’re not doing, you’re not learning. Everybody makes mistakes.
It’s what you do with them that counts. It’s not whether you won or lost, it’s if you played your best game.
If you won, but didn’t play your best, then you didn’t really win.
If you lost, but you played your best, then you didn’t really lose.
Don’t let your limits limit you.
Don’t let limits get in the way.
Wooden — “Don’t let what you cannot do, interfere with what you can do.”
Failure is not fatal.
Keep going. Don’t let setbacks stop you. Carry your lessons forward, and change your approach.
Wooden said, “Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.”
Focus on character over reputation.
Your reputation may vary. It’s your character that counts and it’s what you can control.
Wooden said, “If you make the effort to do the best of which you’re capable, trying to improve the situation that exists for you, I think that’s success and I don’t think others can judge that, and I think that’s like character and reputation.
Your reputation is what you are perceived to be, and your character is what you actually are, and I think the character is much more important than what you are perceived to be.”
It’s the journey.
It’s getting there that’s fun.
Wooden said, “Cervantes said, ‘The journey is better than the end.’ And I like that. I think that is — it’s getting there. Sometimes when you get there, there’s almost a letdown, but it’s the getting there that’s fun.”
Wooden would say, “I liked our practices to be the journey, and the game would be the end result.”
It’s courage that counts.
Courage is what keeps you going.
Wooden said, “Success is never final, failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”
Make each day your masterpiece.
Wooden made the most of each day, by design.
Wooden – “Make everyday your masterpiece.”
Never try to be better than someone else.
This is another lesson Wooden learned from his Dad – “You should never try to be better than someone else. Always learn from others and never cease trying to be the best you can be. What I STRAVA animating us to do FKT.
That’s under your control.
If you get too engrossed and involved and concerned in regard to things over which you have no control, it will adversely affect the things over which you have control.”
Patience is a part of progress.
Success comes slowly. Expect change to happen slowly and to have patience along the way.
Wooden said, “Whatever you’re doing, you must have patience” and “there is no progress without change, so you must have patience.”
Patric Sang: “Practice patience Patience is something that I have learned over time and is something I reflected on recently after Eliud set his world record in Berlin. I recall first meeting Eliud 17 years ago when he approached me about writing a training plan for him. It made me think, supposing I had ignored Eliud and I was not patient enough to have worked with him. What would have happened? Would we have seen that world record? Maybe he could have gone through a different system and become a different athlete?”
Listen carefullyTo listen as a coach is very important. For example, some athletes just talk for the sake of talking. If you are not careful you might just dismiss them as a talker, however you may miss the point. Maybe they are talking so much because they are stressed. If they know you are a coach who doesn’t listen they might become more stressed and all you end up doing is disappointing that athlete. You need to remember that the athlete may be looking to you as a shoulder to lean on besides simply imparting technical input. Reading to an athlete will give them the opportunity to believe in themselves and that they have someone to count on and cover their back, beyond just giving them a training programme.
So what do you talk about? What is your running topic? Is it about time_? Is it about how fast others run? What is it that you talk about? What words do you use?
Gentle reminder: There is more to you than yesterday
Listen carefully
To listen as a coach is very important. For example, some athletes just talk for the sake of talking. If you are not careful you might just dismiss them as a talker, however you may miss the point. Maybe they are talking so much because they are stressed. If they know you are a coach who doesn’t listen they might become more stressed and all you end up doing is disappointing that athlete. You need to remember that the athlete may be looking to you as a shoulder to lean on besides simply imparting technical input. Reading to an athlete will give them the opportunity to believe in themselves and that they have someone to count on and cover their back, beyond just giving them a training programme.
So what are the basics?
BMI test: bathroom scale
Core strength and stability test: stopwatch, exercise mat(optional)
Push-up test: stopwatch, exercise mat (optional)
A stopwatch is required for ensuring that the individual runs for the correct amount of time. Here are some factors to keep in mind when performing the Cooper 12-minute run test:
Distance: Record the total number of miles or kilometers you traveled in 12 minutes.
Equipment: You’ll need a timer to know when 12 minutes are up. Note that some running watches and fitness monitors have a 12-minute fitness test mode.
Location: This test is designed to be conducted on a track with clearly marked distance. You can perform the test on a treadmill, but be sure to raise the incline to one degree to simulate outdoor running.
Speed: When you are warmed up, get going. Run or walk as far as you can in 12 minutes.
Warm-up: Perform a short warm-up of 10 to 15 minutes of low to moderately strenuous activity before performing any fitness testing.
Skip with high knees A skip
Run with high knees
This is just like the “A” skip, except after you drive the knee up, then extend the knee. Knee extension happens passively as you snap the leg back down with your glutes and hamstrings, pawing your foot to the ground.
Butt kicks Traditional butt kicks are usually performed incorrectly, swinging the heel in a half circle towards the butt. Instead, draw the keep up in a straight line towards the bottom of the butt or top of the hamstrings. To do this, allow the knee to come forward, but not quite as high as the high knees drill.
Power skips: This has all of the same points as the “A” skips except you are going for more height. Momentum is created by driving the knee up and also forcefully pushing off the ground.
Carioca drill
Most running is performed in the sagittal plane, but stabilizing also occurs in the frontal plane. The carioca drill is a sideways motion requiring adduction/abduction and coordination. Face sideways and cross your trailing leg in front and then behind and you continue in the sideways direction. Continue facing the same direction for your return trip.
Bounding is a higher intensity running drill designed to improve power and efficiency. Essentially bounding is just an exaggerated run with lots of vertical and horizontal displacement. Go for both height and distance with each stride. To keep from skipping, try jogging 5-10 yards before starting the drill. These can be performed on flat ground or uphill.
Strides Strides are just controlled sprints. Gradually increase speed for 30-40 meters and then maintain high speed with good, controlled form for another 40-60 meters. The key is not to strain or sprint all out. Make it look easy. I like 70-100 meters for these on a relatively soft surface such as a rubberized track or turf.
Belief: Great word somebody recently was talking and trying to convince me he can’t. And after reading I you know made a quite long sort of a speech which ended up about belief.
Imagine having such a belief that you draw people to you. They see your belief in yourself. They see your confidence in yourself. And it’s a sense of attraction and curiosity. Well and as I think of the word BELIEF, I also want to talk and address you. And how you believe in yourself. Because here is what I know I have known a lot of people that were very successful because no one else believed in them
But I don’t know anyone that’s ever been successful that didn’t believe in himself.
See you can be successful if other people don’t believe in you.
You can overcome those odds, and awkwardness of being in such a position. But if you don’t believe in yourself, no way. You just are not going to make it. Whatever IT is for you.
So I want to talk for just a minute about believing in YOU. The reason this is so important is, that on the other side of personal belief, are opportunities, and possibilities.
And you have to go through the beliefs door to find those possibilities. To find those opportunities. If I could, I would lend you my belief. I really would. I started Advanced Endurance Coaching, with this RESET method or the brand name hypnorun with the aim of helping people that want to improve their running.
So therefore I said I am going to believe in people that might not even believe in themselves. And I am going to start a runners’ education system, a self development course that will help them add value and will give them a sense of personal belief because now they have a day to go through that door, that passageway to those opportunities.
That’s what I want for you. The best thing I can do for you if I cannot loan you my belief. It tells you if you believe in yourself, really trust in yourself, it will take you a lot further than if you don’t believe in yourself.
Fact, I want to encourage you to consider joining us on a regular basis. I am sure your personal belief will increase if you are in an environment where people believe in themselves, and believe in others. And that’s what happens when you start training your brain, your mindset and focus on increasing self confidence, self trust, eliminating self doubt.
And see, when you lack emotional mastery, when you lack in one or other areas maturity see you are in a much better condition to perform when you can control negative emotions.
And acting with fearlessness, or let’s say acting brave is the best way to perform at your top level.
Neil Armstrong First man on the moon was a test pilot. And already before he went into space pushing the envelope exploring the limits of what an experimental aircraft could or could not do. And his other famous words were when asked by a persistent reporter where: just like the drill. Just like the drill.
And if you have drilled into yourself the basics. Basics that fit like your favorite pair of running shoes, that’s when you have a backup that guides you through uncertainty. That gives you courage to run the extra mile.
Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey–sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

Your 365 Day Run Streak, one whole year of running Why who or what would you want to do that?
And if your first thought is “I couldn’t do that” then definitely you should get the book.
I want to leave you today with a powerful bible verse I mentioned in the beginning, see we were not born scared. We were born to be strong and with courage Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Thank you for your time, please do share the blog, my name is HEIKO, God bless you and TAKE IT EASY