Temporary Hardship || Cold Spring Run

It is SPRING yes definitely training in 20 degrees, T-Shirt sunglasses on shorts SPRING how is that working out for you?I can tell you only two answers. You are enjoying every second, or you are running with regret. Heiko is my name, thanks for reading. Thanks for taking some time out and choosing THIS particular […]

Limited Run || Improved Focus

Hello and welcome! Congratulations on becoming a better stronger and smarter runner, join me for just a couple of minutes, that’s all it takes. See, sometimes you are stuck in a running rut and you have plenty of excuses not to go running Let’s change that. Excuses Aaaah yes we runners’ are so good at […]

Navigate Run || Find Route

Before we start today’s blog, just recall your favorite running route. What comes to mind? The start line? The car park? Or some landmark along the way? And by the way, how precisely do you remember the route? I will tell you where this is heading but first a big THANK YOU for visiting this […]