Getting it done || Run completed

Do you want to run faster, longer, feel better after a run, hey even look better whilst running then this blog is for you, because not only do I want to generate some inspiration, so if you are currently hmmm, let’s say not so motivated to run, stay tuned. We will make our way through useful usable topics and help you gain deeper insight so you can make & take better decisions. 

The show is for runners’ run coaches, triathlon coaches, athletes that manage a full time job, or a household “shout out to all mom’s” or whoever is currently looking for a job. Thanks for joining it shows you are seriously interested and investing your spare time in advancing your sports performance. 

If you have not yet been to our YouTube Channel or you are a first time reader and wonder who this guy is? Go to google, enter advanced endurance coaching, that’s where you can find more about what this passion for run coaching has to offer. OR go to hypnorum, and yes there is an Instagram account as well, sorry no selfies, no “look at me look at me” photos, rather just sights and sounds of where I run.

Thinking about the mental side of running, for a second imagine the chart on the left it’s a performance getting from low to high and on the Y chart its pressure from low to high now if you are constantly running at a slow pace and you’re not really setting yourself a high standard is very little reason to perform and your running will lead to boredom. If on the other hand you put a lot of pressure on yourself to run fast each and every time 

And the performance isn’t improving because you’re just putting yourself under too much pressure to lead to high stress. It’s going to lead to unhappiness and most probably you are right back to the board in the face of running or being an incredibly frustrated front. The optimum is the best area for best performances with pressure and performance. Our meeting smacks in the middle.

Readers, this is not me talking. This is science. If you feel under pressure or under-resourced it’s your nervous system that is going to respond in a way that affects your brain function directly and leads to cognitive impairment.

For those runners who want to be right up there on STRAVA, those of you who know that you are running too much but still justify it and you are putting yourself under too much pressure.  What is actually happening is that your prefrontal cortex, that’s the part of the brain, responds in such a way that it presents a disadvantage in your thinking and this does not make you a better runner. 

And now to those of you which hardly put any pressure on yourselves never worry about your performance I mean don’t get me wrong, you do take your Garman soon to Timex whatever your favorite running watch along but your run is more the type of a ritual

It means that you consider yourself a runner, but you don’t like to participate in races, you prefer to run the same route again and again as it helps you relax. But, this will lead to you investing in spending a lot of time and not getting optimal results. Look at the end of the day as William James said he was the father of modern psychology the great thing in all education is to make a nervous system are L instead of our enemy now what is this got to do with the nervous system just bear with me this new system is very easy to explain its thoughts emotions and physiology and its interconnected your thinking affects how you feel and it influences your physiology.

Your physiology is what affects your mood and that again of course influences what you think about. Can you see why this is important?

Going out anyway. Overcoming adversity. Run higher than the current circumstance.

The Bible is an inspired book filled with words of hope and strength. When you feel like giving up, turn to the Word of God to feel refreshed with endurance. Let these Bible verses inspire you to proceed through whatever challenges you may face in life. May this collection of Bible verses about endurance lead you toward a greater faith and stronger trust in God.

If you are struggling today to endure, here is a prayer to help you remember the crown of joy ahead of you:Lord, I am weary and don’t know when this “race” will end in my life. I feel like I’ve been running forever, trying to outrun this trial. Help me to stop trying to outrun my pain but rather run with endurance the race you have set before me. I know that because of you I am ultimately a victor over the trials in my life. I know that nothing in this world can separate me from your steadfast love. Please give me a measure of your love today; give me the strength to endure this trial. Thank you for your love for me that never ends! And thank you for the crown of joy that awaits me forever in your Kingdom! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


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