The Mindset of a Champion || Traits of the Best Runners

Stop. Just STOP. A four-letter word. Can be a word that feels great to say. After a hard training session, or crossing the finish line. STOP. Relief, I did it, completed or finished my run. But there are other times where that same word leads to a did not finish. Or a backing out of […]

Strength Training Exercises || Runner Should Incorporate into Their Routine


Secondary gain, a term from psychology that refers to the benefits of being sick or being injured or having a problem. Now for some runners’ this needs more explanation. I mean how can it be that, there is a benefit to being injured  but wait first the –  Yes, welcome to the blog, thanks for […]

Exploring the Benefits of Cross-Training || Distance Running

best runner

Last week’s blog I spoke to you about going the distance and I felt that this topic still needs to be expanded upon. You know, like there is still a lot more to talk about than just your mindset. There is a bit more to it  but wait  first the – And this week we really had […]

From to Marathon || Progressing Your Running Distance Safely

distance running

Running the distance. How to run a marathon if you have never run a half marathon? Or how to run a half marathon if you never ran a 10K. Or how to run 6 miles if you have never run a park run? a 5K or 3 miles.   how to run the distance  but […]

Brain Training || Enhance Your Mental Fitnes

mind game

Thursday is the fourth day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601. It is the fifth day of the week in countries that use the Sunday as the first day of the week in their calendar. Hang on I thought this blog is going to make me a better runner. Hang in there. We are going to get there […]

Coaching Runners || Tips and Strategies

mental health

Today  join me  but watch out  today’s blog  we will discover how and what is behind coaching runners’ and using mental techniques  My name is Heiko 35 years of running coaching runners  but  join me but first the into   Ha Ha  hey I tell you what, have you gone out for a run today? If […]