Guide to Cross-Training || Nikolai Jokic Pro Runners


Did you ever say ENOUGH is ENOUGH? As in this is it. If yes, how did you reach that conclusion? What factors did you consider before you uttered this statement? Oh sorry you thought this is a motivational blog LOL yes actually it will be but you got to first listen to the, Indeed, H E I K […]

Achieve Your Running Goals || Expert Coaching

runner coach

Today as promised last week. 13 power points to develop your running confidence, hey maybe even your self-confidence. Yes, welcome to the Advanced Endurance Coaching blog. For you as a runner, that wants to run longer, better, and smarter. You know this how sometimes you are just lie staring at a hole  not physically but […]

Running in Comfort || Temporary Hardship

It is SPRING yes definitely training in 20 degrees, T-Shirt sunglasses on shorts SPRING how is that working out for you?  I can tell you only two answers. You are enjoying every second, or you are running with regret. Haha yes Heiko is my name, thanks for reading. Thanks for taking some time out and choosing THIS particular blog. Today, […]

Best Runner || Becoming a Top Runner

Hello and welcome! Congratulations on becoming a better stronger and smarter runner, join me for just a couple of minutes, that’s all it takes. See, sometimes you are stuck in a running rut and you have plenty of excuses not to go running  Let’s change that  Excuses  Aaaah yes we runners’ are so good at […]

Look Up || Run EBS

You know how they say (whoever “they” are) how you do one thing is how you do everything? Now if you are an evasive runner this show will be absolutely spot on for you. Are you not sure what an evasive runner is. ? Stay tuned, find out more. excuses having runner excuses haver, that […]

Do It || Run It

You know how to run,  I mean it’s something you have done since childhood, is it not? You ran, played catch with friends, and ran some more and either you fell in love with the sport, and stuck to it, or you didn’t love it and left it, only to start later on in adult […]

Ideal Self || Runners’ Ideal

Imagine you are 7 years old, and as your dad goes out for a run, you join him occasionally. For a mile or two, like kids do. You enjoy running and join a running club at age 12. Even though you have asthma and anemia, you don’t give up. You carry on running. Not only […]