Strength Training Exercises || Runner Should Incorporate into Their Routine


Secondary gain, a term from psychology that refers to the benefits of being sick or being injured or having a problem. Now for some runners’ this needs more explanation. I mean how can it be that, there is a benefit to being injured  but wait first the –  Yes, welcome to the blog, thanks for […]

Exploring the Benefits of Cross-Training || Distance Running

best runner

Last week’s blog I spoke to you about going the distance and I felt that this topic still needs to be expanded upon. You know, like there is still a lot more to talk about than just your mindset. There is a bit more to it  but wait  first the – And this week we really had […]

From to Marathon || Progressing Your Running Distance Safely

distance running

Running the distance. How to run a marathon if you have never run a half marathon? Or how to run a half marathon if you never ran a 10K. Or how to run 6 miles if you have never run a park run? a 5K or 3 miles.   how to run the distance  but […]

Elevate Your Training || Essential Drills for Running

running jump

A wonderful Good Day to you and congrats, you are on the right track. Why? Well because you decided to join and listen to today’s blog. Means there is something inside of you that’s grabbed your attention  something that makes you curious about how to improve your running so let’s get to it  but as always […]

Guide to Cross-Training || Nikolai Jokic Pro Runners


Did you ever say ENOUGH is ENOUGH? As in this is it. If yes, how did you reach that conclusion? What factors did you consider before you uttered this statement? Oh sorry you thought this is a motivational blog LOL yes actually it will be but you got to first listen to the, Indeed, H E I K […]

Stay Motivated || Running Routine

running motivated

Tell me, what do you think will happen when you get home this evening? Or if you are already at home, what will happen when you reach work tomorrow morning? You have an idea  more or less. You have a inclination as to what the mood will be like  and what does this have to […]

Achieve Your Running Goals || Expert Coaching

runner coach

Today as promised last week. 13 power points to develop your running confidence, hey maybe even your self-confidence. Yes, welcome to the Advanced Endurance Coaching blog. For you as a runner, that wants to run longer, better, and smarter. You know this how sometimes you are just lie staring at a hole  not physically but […]

Brain Training || Enhance Your Mental Fitnes

mind game

Thursday is the fourth day of the week according to the international standard ISO 8601. It is the fifth day of the week in countries that use the Sunday as the first day of the week in their calendar. Hang on I thought this blog is going to make me a better runner. Hang in there. We are going to get there […]

Coaching Runners || Tips and Strategies

mental health

Today  join me  but watch out  today’s blog  we will discover how and what is behind coaching runners’ and using mental techniques  My name is Heiko 35 years of running coaching runners  but  join me but first the into   Ha Ha  hey I tell you what, have you gone out for a run today? If […]

Fuel Your Passion || Nutrition Running

Ladies, I don’t need to ask you. I know you like diamonds. Guys, maybe not so much but if you spare me some minutes of your time, chances are you might make better decisions, run decisions   Yup, that’s right I don’t promise too much. Latest polls on The World of Sport confirm that this blog […]

Running in Comfort || Temporary Hardship

It is SPRING yes definitely training in 20 degrees, T-Shirt sunglasses on shorts SPRING how is that working out for you?  I can tell you only two answers. You are enjoying every second, or you are running with regret. Haha yes Heiko is my name, thanks for reading. Thanks for taking some time out and choosing THIS particular blog. Today, […]

Best Runner || Becoming a Top Runner

Hello and welcome! Congratulations on becoming a better stronger and smarter runner, join me for just a couple of minutes, that’s all it takes. See, sometimes you are stuck in a running rut and you have plenty of excuses not to go running  Let’s change that  Excuses  Aaaah yes we runners’ are so good at […]

Running Up That Hill

What’s keeping you from reaching your top potential for runners’, run coaches, triathlon coaches, and those with a passion for running. Hey it is another advanced endurance show are you ready for: –> THAT running advice which will actually make a difference?  –> That content that you will recall during your difficult or best run moments?  […]

Happy Runner || Sad Runner

Running – From finding running trails near you, to the best running quotes, we’ve got you covered.  Thank you for joining me on today’s blog, for giving me your time. IF you are a regular reader thank you for your support, hey give me a share would you? And if you are a new readers […]

Mindful Runner || Zombie Runner

Picture it, late evening, a near deserted street, cars parked in front of homes, and the only sound is a shuffle of running shoes pounding along a pavement as you look closer you see a sad sight, a runner head hanging looking down, and moving at a slow pace, oblivious to his surroundings Sound like […]

Look Up || Run EBS

You know how they say (whoever “they” are) how you do one thing is how you do everything? Now if you are an evasive runner this show will be absolutely spot on for you. Are you not sure what an evasive runner is. ? Stay tuned, find out more. excuses having runner excuses haver, that […]

Do It || Run It

You know how to run,  I mean it’s something you have done since childhood, is it not? You ran, played catch with friends, and ran some more and either you fell in love with the sport, and stuck to it, or you didn’t love it and left it, only to start later on in adult […]

Getting it done || Run completed

Do you want to run faster, longer, feel better after a run, hey even look better whilst running then this blog is for you, because not only do I want to generate some inspiration, so if you are currently hmmm, let’s say not so motivated to run, stay tuned. We will make our way through […]

Ideal Self || Runners’ Ideal

Imagine you are 7 years old, and as your dad goes out for a run, you join him occasionally. For a mile or two, like kids do. You enjoy running and join a running club at age 12. Even though you have asthma and anemia, you don’t give up. You carry on running. Not only […]

Run Perception || Runners’ Seen

Interesting how we as runners perceive other runners’, isn’t it? One of my friends commented on his neighbor who apparently runs every single day, come rain or sunshine and then reflected on his own running, as he struggles to get his minimum of 2 or 3 weekly runs in  But actually, they both have more […]

Run Rocky || Survivor Run

  Risin’ up, back on the streetDid my time, took my chancesWent the distance now I’m back on my feetJust a man and his will to survive Sawubona Welcome to the hypno-running blog Do you want to run, faster, longer, feel better after a run, hey even look better whilst running then this blog is […]

Expert Decisions || Be a Expert

Do you know why I am an expert at running? No, not because I am a certified endurance coach, no not because I have various degrees and certificates. I am an expert on running because I am the creator of my run history. Successful multi day run events, unsuccessful runs, short distance with good decisions, […]

Better Decisions || Better Running

How not to be your own worst enemy. Have you ever been your own worst enemy? Without knowing you of course you have. Because you have been involved in all your major decisions.  Hi, my name is Heiko and thanks for joining me on Advanced Endurance Coaching, where we are all about improving the mind […]

From Excuses || To Doing

When do you love running most? Perhaps when you have bought new running gear? Or when you sit down to read that new book on running? Or perhaps you really feel deep emotions and love when the run is over.  Hi my name is Heiko, thanks for taking the time to join me as I […]

Running Introduction || Run rethink

Are you over 30, over 40? What is your running ambition? Maybe you are a beginner, or already an experienced marathoner, same question to both of you.  Why is it that you run? Or why do you call yourself a runner? Or if not, why not? What needs to happen to call yourself a runner? […]